The story follows a world where monsters from another dimension constantly attack earth for their benefit. This action-packed anime with good animation.
Kill la kill
The anime has amazing action and plot. The story follows a high school girl who is searching for the killer of her father. This is an action-packed anime with a good fight and story.
My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia is another popular action anime with good animation and storyline. The story takes place in a world where most of the population has superpowers.
Tower of God
it follows the story of an unknown tower which people are trying to climb and the more you climb, it becomes however nobody knows the exact level of the tower.
Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom has a unique plot and storyline. Our protagonist is the strongest being on which he split the moon in half. Now he has been given a task to assassinate himself.
Fire Force
If you want to watch something unique and interesting with amazing action and story you should try Fire Force. The story follows a fire force that protects the city from fire monsters.
Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man is another action-packed anime with mind-blowing powers and action. The story follows Denji who kills the devil to earn some money until one day he becomes one.
Darling in the Franxx
Darling in the Franxx is one of the most underrated anime. It has so many things to offer like Romance, action, twists and robots. This anime will blow your mind in the end.